Monday, September 1, 2014

The Countdown

It's September 1 and only a few more days before we leave on our grand adventure. We had dinner last night with some wonderful friends who presented us with a "survival pack" of goodies for our trip. (Thank you, Steve and Sally!) It's really starting to sink in, and I am feeling mixed emotions...excited, but worried about caring for everything while we are gone...the animals, the yard, the name it! I have been reading up on the route for weeks now and am feeling somewhat overwhelmed. It will definitely be an adventure, though, and I have always loved adventures!


  1. Take your time and smell the roses.

  2. I am looking forward to hearing about all of your new adventures!

  3. This blogging stuff is new to me but I have heard that some of you tried to comment but couldn't. For some reason, I think you might need Google + to interact? Not sure.

  4. So excited to read about your travels!
